In most cases, Thule is associated exclusively with roof boxes, so Thule explicitly wants to increase brand awareness for its strollers. In particular, the numerous and complex features of the stroller range are to be showcased - in high-quality environments that match the brand.
With the expanding format, CONATIVE offers the perfect solution to impressively present Thule's features. The high-quality, wide-reach network in the Family segment offers the ideal environment for the premium brand's online campaigns.
- On average, readers spend 21 seconds on content related to the Thule stroller range. This means that the average dwell time was increased by another 40 % compared to previous campaigns (2019).
- The very high average click-through rate of 15 % shows that CONATIVE generates numerous interested and thus qualified readers for Thule's online store.
Here you can download the Success Story.
*Data basis: 9 campaigns within March 2019 - May 2021