Miamor Trinkfein

Cat Content of a different kind - Miamor hits the nerve of cat owners with its editorial content.


To make cat owners aware of their cat's need for fluids (not only) at the height of summer. In particular, it is intended to educate about the consequences of dehydration and to position the product Miamor Trinkfein as a healthy solution for more fluid intake.


Addressing cat owners in the CONATIVE network with native teasers. With a click, the ad expands and presents important information on hydrating cats, as well as the product Miamor Trinkfein, in an editorial advertorial.


  • With using CONATIVE, Miamor achieves a very good open rate of 0.85% for its advertising material
  • The exceptionally high average dwell time of one and a half minutes and further click rate of around 14% clearly show the high interest of the readers gained in the topic and product
Even many health-conscious cat owners are not aware of the relevance of sufficient fluid intake. CONATIVE was therefore the perfect choice as an additional component of our overall campaign, first to educate people about the topic and then to present our innovative product as a solution. We were very pleasantly surprised by how long readers engaged with our content, confirming that we had chosen the right path for our brand communication with this digital campaign form.
Marieke Schumacher
Junior Brand Manager | Miamor/Finnern GmbH & Co. KG

Here you can download the Success Story.

Success Brand Industry Agency
54 Sek. Aktive Verweildauer STIHL® Technologie SYZYGY
1,91 % Interaction Rate Mann & Schröder Healthcare
1,15 % Teaser Click Rate (CTR) Repha Healthcare
36 s. Ø Active Dwell Time AIDA Tourism Initiative Media
1.01 % Audio Start Rate Pharma Company Healthcare Hearts & Science
1.9 % Interaction Rate Techniker Krankenkasse Health Insurance pilot
2.9 % Interaction Rate dm-drogerie markt Commerce
4.7 % Interaction Rate Lansinoh Care
2.75 % Interaction Rate Innsbruck Tourismus Tourism
1.19 % Teaser CTR WITHINGS Health & Lifestyle / Fashion CROSSMEDIA
31 Million Qualified Contacts Qualcomm Technology Mindshare
53 Sec. Active Dwell Time Bauwerk Parkett Home & Living
14 % Second Click CTR BRUDER Spielwaren Toys
4 Successful Campaigns Kneipp® FMCG/Care Products Initiative Media
39 % Video Completion Rate Quiris Healthcare Beauty mediaplan
69 Sek. Active Dwell Time pronova BKK Health Insurance
+40 % Active Dwell Time Thule Family
42,7 % Second Click Rate Schiesser Fashion Resolution Media
43 Sec. Active Dwell Time Milka/Mondelez FMCG/Food Wavemaker
+133 % Active Dwell Time Insurance Finance & Insurances Resolution Media
13,2 % Second Click Rate Mazda Automotive Mindshare
>460 k completed Video Views Tegernseer Tal Tourism Tourism
19 % Second Click Rate Syxyl Heathcare
29 Sek. aktive Verweildauer Deutsche Flugsicherung Recruiting Westpress
1 % Teaser CTR Lansinoh Familie