
CONATIVE reaches Kneipp®'s various target groups, and thus demonstrably generates awareness and builds trust.

For Kneipp®, CONATIVE is an ideal advertising format for education campaigns, which we are very happy to use to highlight the USPs of our products and explain them in more detail. The positive thing is: the Expand format is close to the customer and thus creates trust.
Nicole Hoffmann
Produktmanagerin Kosmetik DACH | Kneipp GmbH


With the awareness campaign, Kneipp® wants to create consideration and trust. Consumers should understand what is so special about the premium brand's product line. Existing and new customers are to be addressed and informed that Kneipp® aroma care showers are good for the skin, psyche and environment. Brand lovers are to be encouraged in their brand loyalty and new customers are to be convinced and won over.


With this expanding format, CONATIVE offers the perfect solution for presenting the proof points of Kneipp® in a credible and impressive way. By means of AI-based targeting, both brand lovers and potential new customers are specifically addressed in CONATIVE's wide-reaching premium network.


  • After reading the CONATIVE ad, 11 % of readers actively click to learn more about the premium shower products on the landing page
  • Readers spend an average of 32 seconds actively engaging with the ad and the content and proof points it presents about Kneipp® FMCG care products
CONATIVE is ideal for generating awareness and interest in a brand or a specific product. The Expand format offers users the opportunity to interact with brand messages and at the same time be provided with educational content.
Tessa Johannes
Senior Planner Digital | Initiative Media GmbH
Success Brand Industry Agency
60,5% Leser mit 100% Ad-Scrolltiefe AIDA Tourismus Initiative Media
0,9% Teaser CTR Visit Brabant Tourismus Mediamixx
54 Sek. Aktive Verweildauer STIHL® Technologie SYZYGY
1,91 % Interaction Rate Mann & Schröder Healthcare
1,15 % Teaser Click Rate (CTR) Repha Healthcare
36 s. Ø Active Dwell Time AIDA Tourism Initiative Media
1.01 % Audio Start Rate Pharma Company Healthcare Hearts & Science
1.9 % Interaction Rate Techniker Krankenkasse Health Insurance pilot
2.9 % Interaction Rate dm-drogerie markt Commerce
4.7 % Interaction Rate Lansinoh Care
2.75 % Interaction Rate Innsbruck Tourismus Tourism
1.19 % Teaser CTR WITHINGS Health & Lifestyle / Fashion CROSSMEDIA
31 Million Qualified Contacts Qualcomm Technology Mindshare
53 Sec. Active Dwell Time Bauwerk Parkett Home & Living
14 % Second Click CTR BRUDER Spielwaren Toys
39 % Video Completion Rate Quiris Healthcare Beauty mediaplan
69 Sek. Active Dwell Time pronova BKK Health Insurance
+40 % Active Dwell Time Thule Family
42,7 % Second Click Rate Schiesser Fashion Resolution Media
43 Sec. Active Dwell Time Milka/Mondelez FMCG/Food Wavemaker
+133 % Active Dwell Time Insurance Finance & Insurances Resolution Media
13,2 % Second Click Rate Mazda Automotive Mindshare
90 Sek. active dwell time Miamor Pet Food
>460 k completed Video Views Tegernseer Tal Tourism Tourism
19 % Second Click Rate Syxyl Heathcare
29 Sek. aktive Verweildauer Deutsche Flugsicherung Recruiting Westpress
1 % Teaser CTR Lansinoh Familie