Bauwerk Parkett

Bauwerk Parkett secures full attention with their target group thanks to our 50 Second Awareness Guarantee.


Bauwerk's goal is to sustainably increase brand awareness within the German market. In particular, the aim is to raise awareness among end customers of the premium parquet brand. The Swiss parquet manufacturer wants to present their innovative and aesthetic parquet solutions in detail and visually showcase them - in high-quality environments that match the brand.


A nine-week campaign that will be delivered in CONATIVE's high-reach premium network between October 2021 and December 2021. To secure full attention, Bauwerk opts for the CONATIVE Awareness Guarantee. With this offer, DEFINE MEDIA guarantees an average active dwell time in the advertising medium of at least 50 seconds.


  • On average, readers actively engage with the ad for 53 seconds. This extraordinarily high interaction rate underscores the high engagement effect of CONATIVE
  • The excellent teaser CTR of >0.9 % and the second click CTR of >10 % on Bauwerk's landing page are proof of the high level of attention in the B2C target group and the accurate delivery in the CONATIVE network
To raise awareness of the Bauwerk Parkett brand among end customers in Germany, we decided to run a campaign with CONATIVE over several weeks. The very long dwell times and the good click-through rates show us that our campaign has been placed in suitable and high-quality environments. By using AI instead of cookie-based targeting, we can target our audience very specifically.
Silke Kargut
Marketing | Bauwerk Parkett

Here you can download the Success Story.

Success Brand Industry Agency
54 Sek. Aktive Verweildauer STIHL® Technologie SYZYGY
1,91 % Interaction Rate Mann & Schröder Healthcare
1,15 % Teaser Click Rate (CTR) Repha Healthcare
36 s. Ø Active Dwell Time AIDA Tourism Initiative Media
1.01 % Audio Start Rate Pharma Company Healthcare Hearts & Science
1.9 % Interaction Rate Techniker Krankenkasse Health Insurance pilot
2.9 % Interaction Rate dm-drogerie markt Commerce
4.7 % Interaction Rate Lansinoh Care
2.75 % Interaction Rate Innsbruck Tourismus Tourism
1.19 % Teaser CTR WITHINGS Health & Lifestyle / Fashion CROSSMEDIA
31 Million Qualified Contacts Qualcomm Technology Mindshare
14 % Second Click CTR BRUDER Spielwaren Toys
4 Successful Campaigns Kneipp® FMCG/Care Products Initiative Media
39 % Video Completion Rate Quiris Healthcare Beauty mediaplan
69 Sek. Active Dwell Time pronova BKK Health Insurance
+40 % Active Dwell Time Thule Family
42,7 % Second Click Rate Schiesser Fashion Resolution Media
43 Sec. Active Dwell Time Milka/Mondelez FMCG/Food Wavemaker
+133 % Active Dwell Time Insurance Finance & Insurances Resolution Media
13,2 % Second Click Rate Mazda Automotive Mindshare
90 Sek. active dwell time Miamor Pet Food
>460 k completed Video Views Tegernseer Tal Tourism Tourism
19 % Second Click Rate Syxyl Heathcare
29 Sek. aktive Verweildauer Deutsche Flugsicherung Recruiting Westpress
1 % Teaser CTR Lansinoh Familie