Definition CONATIVE
CONATIVE is our signature product. A technology for automated, AI-based distribution of marketing content. Our advertisers' content is played out as native advertising ads on the premium websites that are connected to the CONATIVE system.
Which CONATIVE formats are available?
Flexible advertising formats for your campaign world
CONATIVE can be booked in various native in-read formats. The best-known CONATIVE format is the classic advertorial. It initially consists of an eye-catching teaser and expands with a click on the publisher's page. The advantage of this is that your target group is not redirected to another URL, but remains in the editorial article and thus receives the highest possible native presentation of the advertising medium.
In total, you have a choice of over 10 advertising formats. CONATIVE can take the right form for every product, every service and every offer and can be flexibly customized.
For which purposes is CONATIVE suitable?
Branding & Awareness
CONATIVE is perfectly suited for branding and awareness campaigns. We have many years of experience in native advertising in combination with artificial intelligence. We already have relevant implementation experience in all industries. You can find an overview of our previous successes here.
How large is the CONATIVE network?
Playout on premium websites
Our network consists of over 200 high-quality publisher websites. These include Der Stern, Grazia-Magazin, GEO and many more.
What makes CONATIVE so special?
Our focus is on the maximum user-friendly and value-added implementation of your content marketing campaigns. This means that the design and integration of your advertising content into the website should be as appealing as possible and without media discontinuity, i.e. without restricting the current reading flow of your target group.
In addition, our aim is to always display marketing content that is as interesting as possible and adapted to the current usage situation for every user.
Compared to other native formats, CONATIVE does not require cookies for campaign optimization. CONATIVE offers high performance thanks to artificial intelligence and is future-proof due to its technical architecture.
With CONATIVE you can achieve
- an improvement of the traffic quality of your campaign
- an increase in conversions on your landing page
- a higher campaign efficiency without additional costs
What is the average uplift of the AI?
Artificial Intelligence Momentum
CONATIVE Momentum is an AI-powered multilayer campaign optimization. Momentum uses algorithms and methods of artificial intelligence for this purpose. The campaign is optimized with the help of a dynamic user approach, which uses testing to find the best possible approach from the teaser headline, teaser image and teaser text during the campaign. In addition, we continuously check which factors of the user situation are decisive and in which environments the best possible campaign results can be achieved.
In general, our AI enables us to double the performance of advertising campaigns compared to traditional playout. CONATIVE click-through rates are 5 times higher compared to the average banner click-through rate. In A/B tests, we also see performance uplifts of 200 % between ads played out classically vs. with our AI solution.
Why does CONATIVE work cookieless?
0% Cookies
100% Accurate
100% Future-Proof
The era of cookie-based campaign control has long been ticked off and the end of the cookie age is coming unstoppably closer. The post-cookie era will be governed by the principle of "privacy first," and thus transparency and control by users will be just as important as compliance with applicable data protection regulations and ethical principles. We fully support this development.
This is why, as early as 2019, our in-house developed AI has been working completely independent of cookies and cookie-like constructs. CONATIVE works without the need for user-specific or personal data, with a convincing impact: according to measurements, click rates on the same campaigns were 27 percent higher with pure AI control than with additional targeting with cookie data.
What are the options for creating CONATIVE advertising materials?
The choice is yours! We have a self-service-tool for those who want to create media content for their campaigns independently. We are happy to take all the hassle away from our advertising customers and therefore also offer CONATIVE as a managed service.
CONATIVE has the best Media Services Team to guide you through every step of your advertising campaign - from initial previews to final campaign reporting.
Creative Service
If the final content for your next campaign does not yet exist, our Creative Service will already assist you in the conception and creation of your advertising content. We write your advertising texts and combine them with your image and video material and recommend the ideal CONATIVE formats for your successful native advertising campaign.
CONATIVE is the best choice for your native advertising campaign. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure that your campaign is a complete success. Contact us today and get started!