Effective advertising messages are an elementary factor for the success of an advertising campaign.
In the best case, good ads catch the attention of the reader with their headline. But why do we get excited about one ad while the other leaves us cold? One reason is the targeted writing of advertising copy. Various techniques such as the "4P method" or the "4U formula" are suitable for this.
In addition, different products and services are addressed to different target groups, which are defined individually. In line with the offer, the characteristics and attributes of the users to be reached with the advertising are taken into account. These include, for example, age and gender as well as areas of interest. Developing buyer personas helps enormously here.
It is therefore absolutely intentional that one and the same advertisement does not have an effect on 100 percent of the audience. In order to address the target group directly and sustainably, the advertisement must, in addition to suitable wording, also be played out in the appropriate thematic environment.
Sounds quite simple in principle:
- use the right approach
- use catchy content
- display the advertising on the appropriate pages
You know who you want to reach? Then you're ready to go!
Once the target group for the advertising campaign and the tone for the texts have been determined, the creation of the advertising material can begin. Good advertising messages contain the most relevant information that customers need in order to get an idea of the advertised product. At the same time, they should be neither too short nor too long. Because we prefer to read or watch the kind of advertising that gets to the heart of what is important. We lose interest in lengthy advertising copy and switch off.
Good product texts and advertising materials tell a story. In order to convey new products and ideas to users and make them stick, storytelling can be used. Among other things, this can help readers to identify with a brand or a specific product and thus associate a positive feeling with it.
Every good advertisement should offer added value to the reader. Instead of a monotonous list of all the features a product has, you can engage the reader by giving the brand, the product and the text an individual character and by showing what benefits can be expected from the respective product features. An example: instead of presenting the number of pixels of a camera without comment, it is important to refer to the associated benefits such as "Razor-sharp holiday photos" or "Phenomenal autofocus"?
Which advertising format for which product?
CONATIVE offers at least one suitable format for every offer. The selection of the ideal advertising format depends on several factors. On the one hand, the product itself and, on the other, the existing advertising material such as images and videos. Effective brand communication needs more than three lines of text and an image. That's why CONATIVE offers extra space for your message with its unique Expand formats.
Our Creative Service has the perfect feeling for which advertising format is the most suitable for your offer. We offer a wide range of options and modules for the design and structure of the advertorial. We would be happy to create the right advertorial for your next advertising campaign!

The most important thing comes at the end
Now imagine that you have taken all these tips & tricks to heart, the inspiring advertising campaign for your breathtaking product is running and the worst case scenario occurs: the advertisement does not reach your target group. The bad news first: this can actually happen. The good news: not with us!
DEFINE MEDIA's in-house AI ensures the successful placement of native ads. CONATIVE's artificial intelligence works in a cookieless manner, continuously learns which combinations deliver particularly good performance and enables ideal playout in real time thanks to its high-performance optimisation.
Our latest extra: Our AI not only plays out your native ad in the appropriate environment and thus attracts the attention of your target group, but also enables the use of your existing keywords in selected ad formats!