About his role
As CTO, you are a member of the management team and responsible for technical product development - What tasks does your position entail?
To decide which of the many ideas should actually be pursued and implemented in order to position DEFINE MEDIA even more successfully on the market. In doing so, short-term use of resources, sustainable costs and additional potentials have to be weighed against each other.
Why should all media planners and marketing experts rely on CONATIVE?
The goal of all planners should be to make themselves as independent as possible from the existence of user profiles and their access possibilities, be it by means of cookies or other persistent ID solutions, while maintaining at least the same performance. If this solution then also optimises not only campaigns but all variation possibilities within the advertising media, then I don't know why CONATIVE is not always set in the native advertising environment.
DEV-Team and Hackathons
How is your DEV team preparing for the successful 24-hour hackathons and can you already give us a little taste of what topics your next event might revolve around?
Suggestions for topics can be made by anyone at any time! We keep the selection very democratic, so that the actual agenda will only be decided at short notice. Basically, a hackathon should encourage us to tackle exciting development topics outside our daily horizon. Along the way, completely new team constellations are created, which is also a very nice aspect.
What makes working at DEFINE MEDIA special for you?
A high degree of flexibility, a good mix of fun and seriousness, as well as experiencing the commitment with which colleagues work towards common goals.